Hours of Freedom

HOF: Riding School at premiere

The view from backstage at the Municipal Riding School, Terezín, prior the May 17, 2015, premiere of Hours of Freedom: The Story of the Terezín Composer. (Photo credit: John Campbell)

By |February 26th, 2016||Comments Off on HOF: Riding School at premiere|

HOF: Sidlin with audience member premiere

Maestro Murry Sidlin speaks with an audience member following the May 17, 2015, premiere of Hours of Freedom: The Story of the Terezín Composer at the Municipal Riding School, Terezín. (Photo credit: John Campbell)

By |February 26th, 2016||Comments Off on HOF: Sidlin with audience member premiere|

HOF: Murry with Children

Maestro Murry Sidlin speaks about Hans Krása’s children’s opera, Brundibar, as footage from the Nazi Propaganda Film made about Theresienstadt is shown in the background during the May 17, 2015, premiere of Hours of Freedom: The Story of the Terezín Composer at the Municipal Riding School, Terezín. (Photo credit: John Campbell)

By |February 26th, 2016||Comments Off on HOF: Murry with Children|

HOF: Marianka

A video testimonial from Terezín Survivor Marianka Zadikow-May is shown during the May 17, 2015, premiere of Hours of Freedom: The Story of the Terezín Composer at the Municipal Riding School, Terezín. (Photo credit: John Campbell)

By |February 26th, 2016||Comments Off on HOF: Marianka|

HOF: Baritone Roman Janál

Baritone Roman Janál performs Far is My Home, O Moon by Pavel Haas during the May 17, 2015, premiere of Hours of Freedom: The Story of the Terezín Composer at the Municipal Riding School, Terezín. (Photo credit: John Campbell)

By |February 26th, 2016||Comments Off on HOF: Baritone Roman Janál|

HOF: Jana Švadlenková, horn

Jana Švadlenková, horn, warms up backstage prior to the May 17, 2015, premiere of Hours of Freedom: The Story of the Terezín Composer at the Municipal Riding School, Terezín. (Photo credit: John Campbell)

By |February 26th, 2016||Comments Off on HOF: Jana Švadlenková, horn|

HOF: Victor Ullman

Maestro Murry Sidlin introduces composer Viktor Ullmann to the audience during the May 17, 2015, premiere of Hours of Freedom: The Story of the Terezín Composer at the Municipal Riding School, Terezín. (Photo credit: John Campbell)

By |February 26th, 2016||Comments Off on HOF: Victor Ullman|

HOF: Hours Horizontal

Actors Jana Stryková and Ondřej Kavan speak to each other prior to the dress rehearsal for the May 17, 2015, premiere of Hours of Freedom: The Story of the Terezín Composer. (Photo credit: John Campbell)

By |February 26th, 2016||Comments Off on HOF: Hours Horizontal|

HOF: Violinist Roman Hranička

Violinist Roman Hranička rehearses for the May 17, 2015, premiere of Hours of Freedom: The Story of the Terezín Composer at the Municipal Riding School, Terezín. (Photo credit: John Campbell)

By |February 26th, 2016||Comments Off on HOF: Violinist Roman Hranička|
Watch recordings of past Defiant Requiem programs featuring Holocaust scholars, writers, and educators including Daniel Mendelsohn, Daniel Greene, and Michael Berenbaum, among others.Watch Recordings Here