New concert-drama by Murry Sidlin
Maestro Sidlin is currently creating a new concert-drama for The Defiant Requiem Foundation titled “When Music Transforms.” The performance will highlight the works of fifteen composers imprisoned in Terezín, which include Viktor Ullman, Pavel Haas, Karel Svenk and Rudolf Karel, plus eleven more. It will also showcase music from important works such as “The Kaiser from Atlantis” and will also include chamber music and cabaret. The contrasting compositions that will be performed (each written to describe the composer’s reality in the camp and their recall of the ideal before the war), along with background stories of the composers themselves, will bring new meaning and power to the music. “When Music Transforms” will provide the Foundation with another performance vehicle to illuminate the legacy of music from Terezín. More details will follow, in the winter eNewsletter, with information about a workshop performance that will take place at the University of Maryland Gildenhorn Recital Hall on February 22, 2015.